After almost 30 minutes fighting mama finally successful build. "Sinchan quick bath and breakfast," said mama. "Hhmm ...", answered as usual. "Magic grandmother," he added with a soft face
"What did you face with ...!!!!???", mama sangar grin. "Hiiii ....", sinchan surprised to see the hideous face of his mother.
After sinchan bath sincan not immediately use the uniform tk, but
There here, wearing costumes
"... Sinchan, bus ...", mama newly-wed couple is surprised sinchan still play with the younger brother." Beware sinchan ...!!!", mama you rush out Yoshinaga teacher tells the mother that sinchan not ride the bus.
"Basic sinchan childhood teeth," said the hair tidy.
"Hurray .. late, too late ... too late .." exclaim him while dancing
5 seconds
Finally forced to take the mama sinchan schoolfellow
... excuse me, do not be imitated Okay...
By : Phie